Brett’s Story

Brett’s first trip overseas was on a mission trip with Food for the Hungry (FH) to Africa. It was there that God really captured his heart for the poor, and his love for them has grown deeper ever since. His highlight was meeting his sponsor child of five years, Dagim. Brett was overjoyed to connect with him in person, meet his family and see how he lives. Since meeting Dagim, he consciously tries to pray for him everyday and writes him more consistently.

The FH staff impacted Brett as well. He saw firsthand the sacrifice that they make to serve the children. Each of them said, “It’s not my job, it’s my ministry.” This was clearly evident in each of their lives.  Many of the staff were very educated and could be working in the city, earning a lot more money; however, they chose to minister in these communities by joyfully loving and caring for the children and their families. Brett realized that he has a responsibility to use his skills and spheres of influence to serve God by raising awareness about those living in poverty. He saw the happiness that it brought to the FH staff, and he wanted it in his own life. So Brett became an FH advocate. Since becoming an advocate, Brett started a blog where he shares stories, insights and videos about his team experiences.  He also developed and created a corporate social responsibility program for the company where he works.

God also used Brett’s time overseas to show him his own spiritual poverty. Coming to the realization that God is the answer to all forms of poverty, including the poverty in his own heart, has given Brett great confidence to take on the difficult realities of an imperfect world.

Brett desires to learn more about God’s heart for the poor, and he does this by reading books about global poverty and wholistic development. His new favorite book is Tim Keller’s Generous Justice. We recommend you read it!

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